The Consortium for European Symposia on Turkey is...

advancing the field of Turkish studies

providing opportunities for young scholars

& organizing annual conferences and summer schools

... promoting visibility, networking and idea exchange

Upcoming Events

Turkey, Europe, and the Limits of Liberal Normativity

What role, if any, can norms regarding democracy, constitutionalism and human rights play in an era of increasing geopolitical conflict and transactionalism? What spaces exists for scholars, activists, lawyers and others in Turkey to intervene in the authoritarian slide, not the least on the subnational level? What modalities remain for European actors and institutions to promote democracy and the rule of law in Turkey when they are struggling with democratic challenges at home?

Application deadline: 15 June 2024

Publications and Past Events


Kerem Öktem

CEST Chair
Professor of International Relations at Università Ca' Foscari Venezia

Paul T Levin

CEST Director
Director, Stockholm University Institute for Turkish Studies

Jenny White

Jenny White

CEST Vice Director
Stockholm University Institute for Turkish Studies

Lea Nocera

CEST Member
University of Naples "L'Orientale"

Elise Massicard

CEST Member
Research Professor, CNRS/CERI Sciences Po

Yavuz Köse

CEST Member
Chair for Ottoman and Turkish Studies, University of Vienna

About CEST

The Consortium for European Symposia on Turkey works to advance the field of Turkish studies in Europe and provide opportunities for young scholars through academic events that promote idea exchange, visibility, and networking.

In 2014, CEST began organising annual conferences, hosted at rotating member universities. In 2021 CEST began organising summer schools aimed at providing young scholars with the tools they need to succeed in academia.

The project is funded primarily by Stiftung Mercator, with additional contributions from Stockholm University, and other CEST institutions.